Musings, Meanderings & Meditations

Thoughts, ideas and suggestions to inspire you
Go To Sleep

Go To Sleep

I must be getting old. I just woke up from an afternoon nap and it was won-der-ful. Okay, so afternoon naps are the kind of luxury you only really appreciate as you age, but no matter whether you're young or old, sleep is fundamental to health. However, although it's...

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

If you've been following along with these blogs, you'll have noticed me mention journalling quite a few times. The reason why is pretty simple - it's an incredibly versatile tool which has so many benefits. I've been keeping journals and diaries for most of my life. I...

Are You Okay?

Are You Okay?

Our bodies are incredibly wise. They give us information all the time, so much that we have to filter a lot of it out. Much of it we take for granted - our eyes can see around a million different colours while our noses can smell over a trillion scents. Incredible -...

Morning Ritual

Morning Ritual

There's a lot of talk about morning rituals and how important they are. There's plenty of claims about how all successful people have a morning routine (usually the same sort of thing) and how morning rituals are key to setting yourself up for success. Here's the...

Howling At The Moon

Howling At The Moon

Today is a full moon. Since ancient times, people have looked to the moon for guidance and support. Farmers plant crops according to the stage of the moon, sowing seeds with the new moon and harvesting at the full. Many people echo this practice in their spiritual...

Where Are You Now?

Where Are You Now?

We're halfway through the month which makes it a perfect time to take stock of where you are on your self-love journey.Sometimes, it's very easy to dismiss or forget all the little wins you've had along the way. You beat yourself up about the things you haven't done,...

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