Connect With Your Breath Whenever You Need

January Meditation Challenge Day 22: Using the breath to calm yourself down

Today’s breath meditation is very, very simple and it only takes a couple of minutes. In fact, it’s something I often use as an introduction to deeper practises, but it can be used as a meditation in its own right. It is particularly good for helping you calm down and destress when you’re feeling frazzled or under attack.

You can use it whenever you like as well – someone cuts you up in traffic? Breathe. Kids getting on your last nerve? Breathe. That irritating colleague won’t leave you alone? Breathe. 

All you need to do is turn your attention to your breath. As you inhale, imagine, feel, or just know that you are breathing in a beautiful, white, healing light. As you exhale, breathe out any stress, negativity or worry. 

With each inhale, feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed, that white light filling every inch of your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

With each exhale, breathe away any remaining tensions until you feel like there is nothing negative left. 

Do this exercise for as long as you feel you need. You can do it in a few breaths or you can do it for many minutes, simply sitting in that beautiful healing space while you focus on your breath.  

The great thing about this exercise is that, since we all have to breathe all the time, you can use it when you’re right in the heart of a difficult situation and nobody need know you’re meditating! You can use your breath to support you through challenging situations as they happen, helping you to remain calm and in control of yourself. 

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