Meditation For Grief

January Meditation Challenge Day 24: Guided Meditation For Grief

Today I found out that a friend has passed away. 

We were not close, but we did co-write a song together. As one of my mentors puts it, you end up knowing your co-writers better than their spouses because you share so much of yourself to write the best song. 

Riccardo was not that old – in fact, I think he was younger than me. He leaves behind a wife and young daughter, a child younger than my youngest. Knowing how hard it is to lose a parent (my mother died a few days before my 23rd birthday), my heart breaks for how they must be feeling. 

So it is difficult to write today and be all inspirational and upbeat about meditation because that’s just not how I’m feeling. The thoughts and ideas I was planning on sharing with you are simply not there for now. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be back to where I want to be, but today, I just want to raise a glass in my friend’s memory and send love to his family. 

I found this meditation helpful to support how I’m feeling today. I’m sharing it in case you’re going through something similar and need to practise a little self care.

Hug your loved ones and keep them close. You never know what will happen. 

Be well. 

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