Smell The Roses

Self-Care February Day 24: Take time to appreciate the little things in life

There’s a wonderful saying, “take time to smell the roses.” It means making time to appreciate the little things in life, those things which we take for granted and often don’t notice until they’re gone. 

But it’s the little things which are most important. When you focus on how great it feels to have the sun on your skin or how snuggly it is to be tucked up under your duvet in bed, it lifts your mood, making you happier and more content with your life just as it is. You’ll be so busy focused on what’s good you don’t worry about what other people are getting up to – your attention is on the important things. 

You hear it so many times but I’m going to repeat it just for emphasis: nobody lies in their death bed wishing they’d had less fun in their life. Nobody wishes they’d spent more time working and less time relaxing. Nobody wishes they’d spent less time with the people they love and more time doing the things they hate. 

Making it part of your routine to appreciate the little things around you will by default bring bigger things to appreciate into your life. The universe gives you more of what you focus on, so the more you focus on the good stuff, the more good stuff you get. It’s simple universal laws!

Here’s a little meditation you can use to literally smell the roses. All you will need is a rose or other flower, preferably one with a scent. Ideally, source an edible flower you know has not been sprayed with any nasty chemicals. If you choose to work with a rose or other thorny flower, make sure to remove the thorns before you start your meditation. 

Find somewhere quiet where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed with your rose. Hold your rose in your hand as you close your eyes and take a few moments to connect with your breath, just observing its flow without trying to change or control it in any way. 

When you are ready, bring the rose up to your nose and inhale deeply. Notice its scent. Does it evoke any feelings for you? Does it prompt any other physiological reactions? Inhale again, allowing the aroma to fill your awareness, becoming the only thing you focus on for the next few breaths. 

When you feel ready to move on to another sense, hold the rose in your hand and just observe how it feels in your hands. Can you feel its weight? Can you identify where your skin is touching the rose? 

After taking as long as you need to notice the sensation of the rose in your hands, slowly start to explore it with your fingers. What does the stem feel like? What about the petals? What are the differences in texture? You might like to pick off a petal and crumple it between your fingers, noticing how it changes. 

If you are sure your flower has not been sprayed with pesticides, put a petal in your mouth. Observe how it feels before you slowly start to chew. What is the taste like? How does it feel in your mouth? 

Finally, when you are ready, open your eyes and look at your rose. Really look at it. Bring it up close to your eyes and notice the tiny details you wouldn’t normally pay attention to. Take it away and see how your perspective changes with distance. Slowly twirl the rose in your fingers and watch how the shadows change as it moves. 

After you have finished meditating with your rose, you can either put it in a vase to brighten up your home or you might like to leave it outside as an offering. 

Do you take time out to smell the roses? Share your experiences in the comments. 


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