Spring is on Her way

The signs of spring are all around if you only know where to look

Although we’re experiencing storms and the rain may seem relentless, it can still be invaluable for your mental and physical health to get outdoors. You never know what you may be missing if you don’t.

Right now, signs of renewal are all around us. Wherever you live, in a city, town or more rural setting, your spirits can be lifted by the nature around you, so take yourself out for some fresh air.

Observe carefully all the changes as you walk. If you look at the trees, you’ll see buds rounding, ready to burst. The horse chestnut branches are sticky with promise of their candles later in May. The oak has his dark black buds full and ready. Madam Hawthorn is already in leaf burst, heralding the start of the greening of the land, that beautiful, vibrant green of young leaves that spreads along the hedgerows.

Catkins sway on the hazel bush, their pollen long spent. If you look closely and carefully along their branches, you’ll be able to see those tiny magenta flowers that will later become the squirrel’s favourite, the cobnut.

Obviously, the bulbs always speak to us at this time of year. The snowdrops are leaving now, making way for their audacious cousins, the daffodils. Sweet little crocuses are open like targets to attract any early bees to their nectar.

Even butterflies are awake. The lemon-yellow brimstone is a sure sign of spring, their flight dancing through brave sunshine daring to push the rain away.

In the hedgerows you’ll see the growth of new born nettles. They used to be a welcome sight after the scarcity of winter, for they are incredibly nutritious. You can pick the uppermost leaves to make tea or add them to soups or mash. Just make sure the hedgerow hasn’t been sprayed by the council or dogs, and stay away from polluted road sides as much as you can.

Finally, the birds. Their song is audibly louder and more tuneful. The corvids are nesting and making a lot of noise. They sound like they’re squabbling in a lovers’ tiff! If you’re lucky, you might spot a swan flying across the sky in search of new nesting ground – a magnificent sight. Listen too for the song of the chaffinch or the wren. Their song cuts into your consciousness to serenade you as you pass with a tune unsurpassed in beauty.

The signs of spring are different for us all, depending on your surroundings. But one thing I know is that for everybody those signs are visible if you connect and observe and the benefits of awareness of nature are manifold.


What signs of nature can you see where you live? Let us know in the comments.

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