This Too Shall Pass

The energies have been turbulent recently but the end is in sight - promise!

In my last blog post, I talked about all the retrogrades we were experiencing at the time. Some have passed; some are still casting their shadow. Then last week we had a full moon – a blood moon going through a total lunar eclipse, no less. 

Phew! It’s no wonder so many of us are feeling all over the place. Whether you believe in the impact of retrogrades and eclipses or not, there’s no denying that there’s a lot of upheaval in the world right now. From the political to the personal, I know so many people who are questioning their relationships, their careers, their everything, and deciding that the time has come for a change. 

The one thing we can learn from times like these is that nothing lasts forever. It doesn’t matter how good – or bad – a situation is, it will eventually change. The Wheel turns and a new era begins. 

So how do you deal with it?

You go within. We all have inner strength. We just lose connection with it sometimes. 

Stop looking to the outside world for confirmation of what you want to do. What do you want to do? What’s going to light you up? What makes you excited? What makes you feel loved? 

Sometimes it can be hard to know what you really want. We can become so caught up with people pleasing and conforming to societal norms that we lose sight of who we were born to be. This is why it’s so important to spend time with yourself, listening to your wants and needs, and recharging your batteries. Even the most outgoing of extroverts benefit from time alone to figure out what they really want in life. 

Things I find helpful when I’m feeling lost and overwhelmed include:

  • Walking the dog by the canal. I find being by water incredibly soothing and going out into Nature, even when the weather’s awful, always lifts my spirits. Plus, my dog loves me unconditionally and it’s great to be reminded of that when he gives me that big goofy grin of his!
  • Going for a swim. Like I said, I find water soothing. My gym membership gives me access to a pool, hot tub, steam room and sauna, which means I can have an impromptu spa day any time I like.
  • Meditating. Whether it’s a mantra meditation or finding a favourite meditation on YouTube, if I don’t take at least 15 minutes every day to meditate, I find myself becoming increasingly tetchy. 
  • Journalling. There’s a lot to be said for writing out your feelings. When you allow yourself to switch off your inner critic and write without censorship, it’s incredible what can come up. 
  • Dance. Moving your body is a wonderful way to shift stagnant energies and raise your vibration. 

I also listen to my intuition. The more I tune into my inner guide, the more the next step becomes clear. I may not know where my feet are leading me, but I fully trust that it’s somewhere amazing. Ever since I released the need to control every aspect of my life, I’ve had more and more exciting opportunities drop into my lap, while the people who don’t have my best interests at heart have naturally fallen away.

If you need some help with tuning into your intuition, I’ve got an exciting event coming up. I’ve teamed up with Sarah Creatrix to put together an afternoon workshop designed to support you to step into your authentic self through a series of powerful intuitive exercises and techniques so you can build a closer relationship with your inner guide. It would be great if you could join us!

Whatever you do, be kind to yourself through these turbulent times. And remember – this too shall pass. 


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