What’s in a name?

Names have meaning and we knew we wanted our company to have a very special name

When I tell people that I have a company called Neptune’s Daughter, the first thing anyone says is “what a cool name! How did you come up with it?”

Neptune was the Roman god of freshwater and the sea. The brother of Jupiter, king of the gods, some see him as a fertility god, since water is the source of all life. In short, He’s a righteous dude, but it didn’t feel right to be so bold as to give my business His name.

Neptune had a number of children, both sons and daughters, but the most important of them according to some myths, was Minerva, goddess of wisdom, healing, warcraft and music, among other things. Minerva and Neptune also had other connections, such as when they worked together to make the chariot, which gave rise to Neptune’s status as lord of the horses.

So Minerva is also a goddess worthy of respect, which is what inspired me.

Having chosen such a significant name, everything we do is intended to honour both these deities, acting with integrity and striving to provide the highest quality services at all times.

And it makes for a great conversation starter 😀

Neptune's Daughter

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