Who Are You?

Self-Care February Day 25: Improving your self-awareness can help you support yourself better

The path to self-discovery is one we walk for a lifetime. There’s always new layers to uncover, more to learn about yourself. 

So why should you even want to examine who you truly are? Well, self-awareness has multiple benefits. According to research, self-awareness helps you understand your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You have a stronger understanding of your strengths and weaknesses to work with them rather than against them. You are able to recognise how you impact others and your relationships improve. What’s more, you become happier. You understand what fulfils you and you’re better able to support yourself in the ways which nourish you. 

There are a number of ways in which you can increase your self-awareness. 


You can try doing a contemplation meditation to explore the nature of who you are. Sit quietly, close your eyes and focus on your breath for a few cycles to centre yourself. Then ask yourself who am I? and see what answers come up. Accept them without judgement or criticism. Just allow the thoughts to flow. When they have finished ask yourself who am I? again and see what response you get. Repeat this a few times before ending your meditation.

I recommend journaling your answers to further explore your understanding of self. It’s also a good idea to do this meditation on a daily basis for a while – your answers will change and develop as you learn more about yourself. 

Ask others

Other people often perceive us very differently to how we view ourselves. We tend to be our harshest, biggest critic. 

So sit down and write a letter to yourself as if it was coming from your best friend or a close family member. Let that person describe who you are in as much detail as possible. You may be surprised at what comes up when you switch off your inner critic and let the words fall onto the page. 

Ask yourself

Write a letter from your future self. Let you tell you all about who you are and who you have the potential to be. Maybe future you has some advice. Write that down – and then follow it! Stepping outside your head and getting a fresh perspective can really help you see yourself as you actually are rather than through the filter of your thoughts. 


Once you’ve done these exercises, you’ll have a better sense of who you actually are. Take that picture and use it to develop a self-care plan for how you’re going to support yourself to be the best possible you moving forward. 

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