Move Your Body, Move Your Mind

January Meditation Challenge Day 28: Movement Meditation

It’s the last Friday of the month, so if you’ve been debating whether to join in with my chakra dance meditation classes, now’s the time to come along!

Every class is different. If you’ve been following along with the January meditation challenge, you’ll have noticed that I have plenty of different meditations to guide you through and the same is true of a dance meditation class – while I plan roughly what we’re going to do in a session, I’ll read the energies of the room and adapt my ideas depending on what my students need that week. 

It’s difficult to explain what chakra dance meditation really is. You need to experience it for yourself to truly appreciate how profound it is. Every single person who comes always says that they feel different afterwards – more relaxed, more settled in themselves, happier, calmer. Even when I don’t run classes, I still dance at least once a week, more if I feel I need. Sometimes it can be hard to say how it benefits me, but I do know that when I don’t dance for a while, I feel my stress levels rising, I feel agitated, I feel like something’s missing, even if I don’t know what. 

Regardless of your age, fitness level, or mobility, you can join in with chakra dance meditation. I hold online classes every Friday at 8pm GMT, so grab your ticket, move your body and move your mood!

And if you’d like to learn more about the chakras and really explore their impact on your mind, body, and spirit in a day of self-discovery and self-awareness, come and join me for a journey into the chakras at the end of February!

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