Spring Has Sprung

As Nature awakens from her winter slumber, how are you raising your energies?

This year seems to be speeding past at a rapid rate of knots. It feels like only yesterday we were celebrating New Year and now the snowdrops are out and the crocuses are peeking through the dirt. 

We’re heading towards the Spring equinox, which is a time of balance. I’ve always found it a difficult time magically speaking because not a lot’s happening. Winter’s falling away and summer’s coming, but in this moment of balance, there’s no movement in any direction. 

This makes the equinox a good time to balance your energies. Consider what is falling away for you. What do you need to release? What needs to leave your life? What or who should you say goodbye to?

Remember endings clear the way for new beginnings, so ask yourself what are you calling in to your life? What are you welcoming? How would you like to change for the better?

You might like to journal on these questions over a few days to really dig into how you’d like your life to change with the seasons. 

If you start to consider these questions now, you’ve got a good foundation for any ritual you might like to do for the Spring Equinox. I’ll be giving you more information on putting together your own ritual in the next blog, as well as giving you an outline you can adapt for your own uses. 

Your life is yours to control. You always have choice, even if you might not like any of the choices available to you. Even doing nothing is a choice – and sometimes the best one you can make. Sometimes the best thing to do is wait and see – situations can resolve themselves or new, unexpected opportunities can arise. The more you take active steps to create the lifestyle you want which best serves your needs, the more you get to enjoy that lifestyle right now instead of waiting for some day when you’ll have more money, more friends, more happiness. 

The Online Journey Through The Chakras is on March 20. We’ll be working together to balance your energies and release anything you no longer need to call in love, light and laughter. Come join us!

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