3. Switch “I don’t” for “I can’t”

Research carried out at the University of Houston shows that people who say “I don’t” about unwanted behaviours were able to resist temptation better than those who say “I can’t.” “I can’t” is a very negative way of talking about your desired actions – it suggests you are being limited and held back. Saying “I don’t” is far more empowering – it has connotations of self-control and reminds you that you are the one who gets to choose how you think and behave. So if you find yourself saying negative things about yourself, you can simply say to yourself “I don’t think that way about myself.”

4. Prove yourself wrong

If you find yourself saying to yourself “I always mess up” or “bad things always happen to me” counter this by thinking of an example of when this wasn’t true. The more you can demonstrate to yourself that you aren’t the bad person you’ve been telling yourself you are, the easier it is to choose more positive thoughts and behaviours in the future. 

Today is the very last day you can join us on the Journey Through The Chakras retreat. You will need to email me at info@neptunesdaughter.co.uk if you want to come along. Hope to see you on Saturday!