Balancing Your Energies

Rituals at the Equinox are a beautiful way to bring balance to your life

Rituals have been with us ever since humankind first developed conscious awareness. They help us make sense of times of transition or profound experience, connecting us to each other and the Great Big Whatever, giving meaning to those moments which are difficult to put into words. These rituals can be to mark personal life events such as birth, marriage and death, but they can also be used to tap into what’s happening in Nature.

Rituals can give a sense of structure to our lives, weaving a common thread to the narrative of our personal story to pull together shared memories and experiences. They give us a chance to press pause on the chaos of our daily lives and give voice to those things we don’t always think about.  

Some people who practise a nature based spirituality work with what’s known as the Wheel of the Year, eight festivals occurring roughly every six weeks. We are fast approaching one of them, the Spring Equinox. This is the time when night and day are equal, the energies of light and dark in perfect balance.

This is a good time to check in with yourself. What is falling away in your life? What is rising? More importantly, what do you want/need to let go of and what are you calling in? You can do this simply by going somewhere quiet and meditating or journalling on where you’re at right now, but if you’d like to do something a little more formal, here’s a ritual you can do for the Equinox. Feel free to adapt it to suit your needs.

Ritual for the Spring Equinox

If you can, get up before sunrise and go somewhere where you can watch the sun rising. As you watch it, feel yourself connect with the energy of the new season. This is a time of growth and fertility, so take a moment to consider what seeds you’re planting in your life and how you’re going to nurture your plans to see them come to fruit. 

When you are ready, go for a gratitude walk. The more you are aware of your blessings, the more blessed you will be. If you’re able to do this in Nature, great, but remember that Nature is all around us – the sky is always overhead, there are always plants peeping through cracks in the pavement, there are always birds singing and insects buzzing. Go somewhere you’ve never been, the more local, the better to learn more about your home environment. Feel yourself connecting to something greater than yourself and let your feet move with the pulse of the Earth’s heartbeat. 

When you get home, do some spring cleaning. You can focus on one room, or one specific job like washing your curtains, or an area you’ve been neglecting. Doing this also supports you on an energetic level to clear out those things you no longer need. 

When you are done, sit in your newly clean home and make a list of new goals or projects. You might like to make this short and sweet, things you want to achieve in the next six weeks before Beltane, the next festival in the Wheel of the Year. Make your goals achievable and measurable so when you review them, you’ll be able to look back in pride at everything you’ve achieved. 

Finally, have a bonfire. This can be as small as lighting a candle if you don’t have access to outdoor space, or you can use a camping fire pit in your garden, or you can go all out and have an actual bonfire. Sit with the flames and meditate. You might like to allow your gaze to unfocus and watch the flames as they dance about. You could talk to the fire, tell it all about your plans and what you would like your life to be like in the coming weeks. How can you make that happen right now? You may have big dreams but what can you do to get closer to them in this moment? 

You might like to write a love letter to your soul, committing to working towards your goals, and then giving it to the flames to carry it up to the ether. 

When you are done, eat, drink and be merry! This is a day to celebrate the glorious person you are. 

The Online Journey Through The Chakras is on March 20. We’ll be working together to balance your energies and release anything you no longer need to call in love, light and laughter. Come join us!

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